Lance was diagnosed on September 2, 2014 with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). While lying on the couch in Lance’s room @ Children’s Dallas Hospital late that first week, I was looking for information on cancer – specifically pediatric cancer. I started seeing pages come back stating that the month of September was “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”… and I have to be honest, I thought these references were for people looking to make a quick buck off of an emotional subject.
Both gladly, and sadly, I realized that this reference to pediatric cancer was a real thing. Folks were out trying to raise awareness on a subject I was not at all ready to tackle.
The “gladly” is that we’ve learned there are a ton of focused foundations and organizations spending efforts addressing pediatric cancer.
The “sadly” is that not enough is being done to counter both the fact that pediatric cancer is the leading disease killer of children and that side effects of the toxic chemo regime leaves pediatric patients dealing with issues throughout the rest of their lives.
We’ll write more on these topics later… but for today remember the kids. Those battling, those that survived and those that fought valiant efforts. Today marks the 3rd Childhood Cancer Awareness Month of Lance’s battle.
Steve (Lance’s dad)