Note: This blog entry was written by Lance during his Freshman year for English class. A big thanks to Mr. Chris Young (CPHS Teacher) for assisting Lance with this effort.
Things I’ve Learned While Going thru Cancer
This is my first attempt to write something about what I have learned while going through cancer. I am little nervous.
For the Parents: Hand Washing and No Germs
Anyone (this includes you parents!) handling things like food, medicine, or drinks for someone with cancer must wash their hands each time they are preparing or helping them. Also anyone who comes to see your child should wash their hands and make sure they’re not sick. How long should someone wash their hands for them to be clean? They should wash their hands while singing “Happy Birthday!” two times. If a visitor comes to visit your child, they should not have been sick the week before or been around anyone who has been sick. If your child’s immunity level is low, you should give your child a mask before going outside.
Rain on my parade
Rain can be annoying but it can be fun too. Kids with low immunity can’t go outside, unless they have to, but you can have fun inside too. You can play board games, watch movies, or just hang out with your family. When you’re stuck inside and you don’t have anything to do it’s good to use the time to just hangout and talk. If you’re a teen and you’re stressing out you could practice a musical instrument, draw, or listen to music to take you mind off what’s bothering you. I found watching videos on YouTube and gaming helped me get through some really tough times.
Let The Light Shine Down
On sunny days fill free to enjoy the outdoors. Keeping yourself active as you can be is important. You can simply sit on the porch or, if you’re feeling better, throw a ball. The park is a great place to hangout as a family and friends – it gives you a lot of room but you can still be with other people. Keep being social. If you’re immunity says you can be around people, you can throw a party for fun and have friends over. If you are able to swim you could go to a pool that allows you not be around a lot of people. I found that at times when I was having trouble walking (I have had battled chemo induced peripheral neuropathy) it was actually easier for me to swim than walk. The key here is be active when you can be. It’s hard to do that. But try.
There’s Frost (or Snow if you are not in Texas) on The Roof
Have I said it is important to be active? Even during the Winter you can go outside if you dress properly. If you do have neuropathy like I have experienced – just make sure your extremities (like fingers and toes) are properly covered. Of course if it is Christmas time… see if your family is up to visit different neighborhoods and look at Christmas decorations. Christmas time has been one of my favorite times during my battle with cancer.
NOTE: Following your Doctor’s advise is always prudent. These are things that worked for the White’s and are NOT to be taken as your Doctor’s instructions. If you see something here that does not agree with what your Doctor has told you, please talk to your Doctor.